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Transferring domain(s) away from Global IT Communications, Inc.

In order to transfer a domain away from Global IT, you will have to complete the following steps: Ensure all administrative and technical contact information is up to date. Request a Global IT administrator to turn off/cancel Protected Registration or Private Registration, if applicable. (Included with administrative fee*) Once requested… read more →

Tech Giants & your Private Information

Apple has unlocked iPhone’s for authorities at least 70 times since 2008. Google celebrated Internet Safer Day earlier this month to raise awareness of ‘how they can help you stay secure online’.
Tech companies have been battling relentlessly with governments over access to people’s electronic information.
Last Tuesday rallies were held across the US to protest the FBI’s demands that Apple unlock the iPhone at the center of the San Bernardino investigation.

13th Annual Global Green Oscar Party

All of the technical expertise for the event was provided by Global IT. Throughout the years, Mr. C’s Beverly Hills Hotel has relied on Global IT for its routine communications maintenance, high technology repairs, and installation projects that involved any type of technology or communications equipment. So it was no surprise that Mr. C’s would turn to Global IT to outfit this special event and make it something spectacular for all of the guests to enjoy.

Internet Security: The Global Eye

Get protection against all types of internet security, such as malware, viruses and hacking.
Adware, Spyware, hackers and viruses know how to hide, affecting all web users from families, college students, to businesses and their employees.
Having the right security protection is essential to avoid downtime of computer systems, productivity delays, or to ensure uninterrupted internet browsing. From a minimal fee of $2.50 a month, you can protect your family and business against all types of malware.

Pros & Cons of Free & Paid Internet Security and Antivirus Software

In the dangerous world of the internet, it makes good sense to invest in internet security protection. Anything that is free always seems like the better option, but when it comes to internet security software, is free really worth it!? There are plenty of companies out there offering services to… read more →

ESET North America Partner Conference 2016

Earlier this month, the ESET North America Partner Conference (ESET NAPC) was held at the Hard Rock Hotel, in San Diego California, from Monday 1 February to Wednesday 3 February. Being a partner of ESET, Global IT CEO/President Tony Williams and Senior Systems Administrator Steve Anderson, attended the event. The… read more →

How fast is DSL

What speed is DSL DSL is the abbreviated word for Digital Subscriber line, Digital subscriber line or DSL works off a DSLAM or Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer which server as an interface device connecting from your location to the DSL providers closest network aggregation point, commonly a Central Office.… read more →

Setup Automatic Replies for Exchange

To setup automatic replies (out of office), in Outlook, select the ‘File’ tab             Next, select ‘Automatic Replies (Out of Office)’             Select ‘Send Automatic Replies’                 Complete the information for ‘Inside My… read more →

Setup Auto-Response message for POP3/IMAP Clients

To setup an auto-response message, please log into your webmail.           After you are logged in, select ‘Auto Responders’           Next, select ‘Add Auto Responder’           Fill in the empty fields and choose your Start and Stop Date/Time… read more →

Configure Microsoft Surface for Exchange

To add an Exchange account to your Microsoft Surface Tablet: From the Start screen, select the Mail app tile.           Add your Microsoft email address (Not Exchange), enter password, and click ‘Save.’ After saving, your Mail will open up in Microsoft Live email account.      … read more →

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