Report Phishing or Spoof email If you receive a suspicious email FORWARD it to Our security experts will be able to look at the email to determine if it is a fake. There are some hints about identifying scam email below but it is often very difficult to tell for sure since the scammers adjust… read more →
Crashing computer systems and network devices can be detrimental to the continuity of technology and business operations. Loss of power can cause potential database errors, leading to failing programs and devices resulting in loss of business workflow, downtime, and thousands of dollars in labor or hardware for recovery attempts. With aging power grids, the evolution… read more →
It was just a matter of time before another leading corporation became the victim of another hacker incident by accessing information through an IT security breach. The last major reported breach in 2014 during the holiday season when major corporations Target and Goldman Sachs became victims. Now, headlines of Apple and Home Depot, computer and… read more →
Best Remote Desktop Access Security Configuration Many users continue to leave wide open remote control software which can be easily exploited by a hacker. It is highly recommended to use secure methods for remote access and control stations; for example, the use of a VPN connection. Below you will find some guidelines to help secure… read more →
Best Practices for Cash Register and PoS Security Security policies should be implemented for all aspects of a network from top to bottom. Here you will find the best network security practices for cash registers and POS systems. While not all the policies listed below may be necessary, it is recommended that you properly understand… read more →
Best Network Security Practices for Merchant Processing Protecting and securing consumer data should be an imperative policy. Securing consumer data can increase consumer shopping confidence and add value to your business reputation. Here are some guidelines for safeguarding merchant terminals from internet hackers. While not all the policies listed below may be necessary, it is… read more →
There are two types of common threats most non technical staff will encounter. “Phishing” for information “Viruses” never friendly What to do Phishing Develop a healthy skepticism when reading any email that asks for sensitive information and take a couple of simple steps to protect you. Familiar alarmist messages from ADP, Efax, eBay, Amazon, Facebook… read more →