Selecting The Right Business Profile Picture

Selecting a personal image to be used for business purposes poses the question; business professional or business casual attire? This question is generally industry specific, so if you are in a corporate environment where you regularly wear professional attire, we suggest a business professional picture. If you decide to go… read more →

Protecting Against Common Computer Threats

There are two types of common threats most non technical staff will encounter. “Phishing” for information “Viruses” never friendly What to do Phishing Develop a healthy skepticism when reading any email that asks for sensitive information and take a couple of simple steps to protect you. Familiar alarmist messages from… read more →

Identifying IT Security Threats

The Complexity of IT Security Modern businesses – of all sizes – are becoming increasingly vulnerable to security breaches even as they enable their workforces with state-of-the-art technologies. Cyber attacks are up 100% since 2010. Cyber attacks can be costly. The average time to resolve a cyber attack is 24… read more →

How to Configure Spam Settings

How to increase or decrease your spam settings and how to add users to the blacklist or whitelist. Most users will just use steps 1 through 5. Step 6 is for advanced configuration, should only be used by advanced users. 1.  Access Control Panel Type: into your preferred Internet browser. Enter… read more →

Why Moving Toward RWD (Responsive Web Design) Has a Direct Effect on Your Marketing

Mobile has demonstrated that it is here to stay. As more and more users begin to utterly depend on their mobile device to connect them with the world, it has become even more essential for companies to institute an effective mobile strategy for their website. Since new mobile devices appear… read more →

DNS (Domain Name Services) 101

DNS – (UDP, 53) DNS (Domain Name System) is a service that resolves a web address, like, to an IP address, like, which is the location of a server that is hosting the website. In some cases just entering an IP address will direct you to a website.… read more →

Beware of Yellow Pages Online Directory Scam

There is a reoccurring scam going on where companies (they go by various names) are soliciting business listings and misleading people to believe that they are free.  Here is an example of one that was faxed,  These type of forms are being sent via email, fax and mail. As… read more →

Beware of Scammers Posing as Global Tech, Global PC or Global IT

If you have been contacted by a telemarketer informing that you have been sending out viruses or adware from your computer, this is a SCAM and we are recommending that you follow the following steps.  This company is known to pose as Global Tech, Global PC or Global IT and… read more →

The Benefits of Having a Webmaster Administrator

With business owners focused on running their company, they have virtually no time to handle online marketing. Online marketing is crucial for the success of a business and if insufficient time is invested in it, the business will suffer. Contracting with a professional marketing firm is essential to a successful… read more →

Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows System Key Combinations Have you ever wondered how you could save time doing tasks on your computer? Keyboard shortcuts are a good way to save time and work more efficiently. The shortcuts below are provided by Global IT’s Internet support team. We hope you find them helpful. F1: Help… read more →

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